On the Coast or At the Shore, just Let There Be Books!

I’m excited to announce an event coming up! If you live in Oregon (or if you will be visiting), come on down for the Florence Festival of Books. It’s a free book fair on Saturday, Sep. 26 (10am-4pm) with more than 80 authors and publishers where you can...

The Ultimate Editing Tool

It would have an endless number of movable, and linkable tabs. It would have a map that linked to all geographical references, and a timeline that auto-populated from references to the passage of time. When you made a change, it would generate pop-up questions, like...

Ideal Workspaces

Yes, that is workspaces plural. Because the ideal is different for everyone, and different workspaces can work for the same someone at different times. The study that started me dreaming about writing But first, why talk about workspace? Isn’t that horribly...

Wander through a Forest of Authors…

This is your chance to wander through a forest of authors! This Saturday, July 25, from 11 AM to 5 PM, a bevy of local authors and publishers will gather for the NW Book Festival. Last year, it was a great experience. I made a booth-friend, talked to some very...

From the Travels: Blue Sky Thinking

I love to rapture on about the curious colors present in Nature, never more than when I am out exploring Scotland’s wild places. But did you notice there was a color absent from that last post? Ah, yes. BLUE! People ask how the weather was in Scotland and...