After much nail-biting and anxious screen-peering, The Keening is now available for pre-order at Amazon! In Paperback and Kindle flavors…

cover The Keening

Pre-order is very exciting because it gives the author the opportunity to focus all sales within a given time frame, and that is what the number-crunchers look at when considering sales rank and bestseller status. *ahem*

So if you’ve got any inkling to read The Keening, you can pre-order now, and be the first in your neighborhood to have it in your hot little hands, come Dec. 3rd!

OR… if you live near enough to consider Portland a fun road trip destination, come on down for the Launch Party, which will be at Another Read Through Bookstore:

3932 N. Mississippi Ave. Portland, OR 97227

Thursday, Dec. 10th, 7-8 PM

Champagne & Books–What could be better?


***I will also be at Another Read Through for Indies First on Small Business Saturday (2 days after Thanksgiving). I’ll be sitting, standing, laughing, carousing, from 11AM to 1PM, serving up book recommendations. Looking forward to connecting with lovely, local readers supporting independent bookshops!